Joining is a very simple process.
Go to the ATAC shop
and select a Level 1 ATAC.
Select a level 1 weapon.
Select a level 1 power/magic stone.
Decide on a screen name. For now keep your name similar to your screen name
for your instant messengers. Also similar to your fourm name so we all pretty
much know who were talking to and about.
E-mail me your choices to
wait for a comfirmation e-mail should be returned within 1 to 2 days. Then
go to the Kingdoms/members page.
and Look at your kingdom mates.
You can now start doing other things involved in the game.
Another note: The game has not started yet due to the fact that it hasn't been completed yet. not accepting appplications as of yet. If you want me to speed up my production of this site you can e-mail me at the above e-mail link.