and how to play
Rule # 1: Have fun all the time.
Rule #2: no putting people down except during combat (like how they do in the game)
Rule #3: be active. You must participate in a battle at least once every 2 weeks or you will be considered inactive and therefore deleted.
Rule #4: Rules change with time and experience. So these rules probably will change as problems arise.
-Starting out.
--Go to how to join follw the instructions. Instructions repeated-go to ATAC shop pick a level 1 ATAC(avalible ATACs are: Rataosk, Haurol, Andoras, Barbatos). Pick a level 1 stone for your ATAC (avalible stones are: Onyx, Turquoise, Opal, and Beryl). Pick a starting weapon (starting weapons are: Gradius and Spear). ATAC shop has all stats of said weapons and stones and ATACs. Amulets will not be just given out, you will need to buy them just liek you do in a the game.
-- Next you need a Kingdom. For now I will allow you to pick what Kingdom you want to be in. There are 8 different Kingdoms those Kingdoms can be found on the Kingdom/members page. The first person to sign up for a Kingdom is that Kingdoms ruler. If you are the first person to sign up for a certain Kingdom you send that information to me at After a Kingdom has a ruler when you send the info to me I will relay the info to that ruler. That ruler will then say yes or no to you joining his/her kingdom. If you are deined entry into one kingdom I'll send your info to the other rulers and the first ruler to reply shall get you. If Kingdoms start getting to unbalanced I will then start putting you into kingdoms in order to strength up a certain kingdom so it has equal or near equal members as another kingdom.
--Now some might ask, "what do I do if my kingdom/ruler are inactive or are not doing their job right?" Well if its just one person complaining I can move you to a different kingdom. If by chance there is a serious problem with the chain of command The the king will either be removed from teh throne or deleted and a new king will be put in his/her place(usually the prince or princess). I suggest you Kings and Queens out there should pick a second in-command incase for reason beyond your control you can't play or something. These would be considered prince and/or princess.
--Well the way it is all kingdoms were only able to stay incontrol of his/her capitol city and all other cities are trying to form their own governments, fearing what might be left of the massive armies of the many kingdoms the soilders that have left taking their ATACs with them are now defending these cities/towns. The number and strength of each of these ATACs will be dertmined by me (or admins if I end up getting some). I will make my determination on a) how many ATACs your kingsom sends in b) how strong each ATAC of your kingdom being sent in are. These ATACs shall be piloted by me (or admins if I get some). They shall always be level 1 or level 2 ATACs you shall face since these cities will not have the resources to buy anything bigger like your kingdoms can. If you win the battle the city is then turned into part of your kingdom. If you lose you don't get the city and you end up having to pay a ransom to get your pilots back.
--Maintence....every ATAC must be maintained. But maintence costs are much easier to pay than the price of a new ATAC. The reason being that there is so much labor and stuff used/needed to make an ATAC with medieval technology. Bu once it has been built maintence is pretty easy since your ATAC creators have built them every everything can be access faily easily. Because of this though it makes it easy for sabatouers as well to plant devices on your ATAC and cause it to fail during combat So Maintence is for a)make sure the ATAC works and is 100% ready for combat b)make sure no one has planted anything on your ATAC to force it to not function properly. The Maintence fee much be paided twice everyday. (midnight and noon)(this idea might be abandoned)
--Money...The subject of money you need money to buy new weapons, new stones, new ATACs, and maintain your ATACs. Well your cities make money 2 times a day (midnight and noon -Pacific Standard Time-). The ammount of money each city makes depends well mostly on me and how big I decide the city to be. The capitol cities make the same as every other capitol city but more than any other regular city. That's why its the Capitol.(this might change totally from number of cities to percentage of map controled)
--You can attack an ATAC. The principle will be like an arena duel. But you can have mutiple opponents on one ATAC if that's how things work out. So attacking on sides and back wont matter. I wish I could make it like a true battlefield but that would make battles kinda dull during the time that I'm updating the battlefield after every move...sorry I'm not that skilled at HTML.
--damage....I calculate how much damage your attack does by
adding your Pow and Wep together then times it by the percent of attack bonus
the move uses add that bonus in and then depending on what the enmey ATAC
decieds to do subtract 3/4 point of damge for every def you have so you need
4 def to prevent 1 damage. Now if they choose to defend themselves againt
your attack 1 point of damage is removed form the raw damage for each point
of Def you have. The lowest ammount of damage you can ever do will be 5. Pow+Wep
x move bonus
ATAC-1 has Pow of 10 Wep of 10 and he uses a thrust attack with 1.00, (Pow+Wep)+[(Pow+Wep)x1.00]=raw
(10+10)+[(10+10)x1.00]=raw damage
(20)+[(20)x1.00]=raw damage
20+20=40 raw damage is 40
ATAC-2 has a def of 12. and he chooses to defend.
If ATAC-2 didn't defend it would be:
[raw damage-(def/2)]=actual damage
[40-(12x2/3)]=actual damage
[40-8]=32 actual damage.
but ATAC-2 did defend so:
raw damage-def=acutal damage
so ATAC-1 deals 28 damage to ATAC-2
Now agility and dexterity will be for calculating avoiding vs hitting an opponent. This works alot differently compared to figureing out actual damage and all that. Also to keep this on the random side (remeber those times in teh game you had a 99% chance to hit and you still missed well you still can do that here too) it will go on the roll of the dice principle. I've got a dice rolling agent that will roll a certain number of dice and depnding on how many dice show up as a certain number range. Now every 3 points into either dex or agl will equal 1 dice.
lets say ATAC 1 has 6 to dex so he has 2 dice rolled for him. and ATAC 2 has 3 to AGL means he has 1 dice rolled for him. basically whoever one the first roll get's the most 5's and 6's either avoids or hits.
for example.
ATAC 1 has 2 dice rolled and they come up as a 2 and a 3
ATAC 2 has 1 dice rolled and it comes up as a 5 then ATAC 2 dodges the attack.
But if ATAC 1 had rolled a 5 and a 6 or double 5's or double 6's ATAC 1 hits
target opponent because ATAC 2 only has one dice and he can't get higher than
one 5 or one 6.
Still thinking about having the countering move in there we shall see what happens.
note there will be more rules.....someday...
man I really should get around to fishing this someday....